The National Coalition for Hospice and Palliative Care’s Pediatric Division represents a multi-disciplinary, volunteer team of pediatric palliative care (PPC) leaders. The Pediatric Division membership is comprised of representatives from all 14 members of the Coalition, three family advocates, as well as representatives from aligned stakeholder organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Psychological Association, Association for Child Life Professionals, and the State Coalition Network.
Housed within the Coalition, the Pediatric Division is uniquely positioned to collaboratively advance the field of pediatric palliative care, and since the beginning, members have leveraged their collective expertise to advance national initiatives, legislation, and policies.

The Pediatric Division began as an initiative of the Coalition in 2020 following a convening of PPC subject matter experts who determined that a pediatric-specific national entity was critical to establishing alignment across the field and strengthening the field’s capacity to deliver services. In response, with generous support from the Cameron and Hayden Lord Foundation, the Coalition established a national task force charged with identifying feasible action items that would improve children’s access to high-quality palliative care.
Holly Davis, MSN (NHPCO) – CHAIR
Melissa Hunt, Pharm. D. (SPPCP) – CHAIR ELECT
Rachel Thienprayoon, MD (PCQC) – PAST CHAIR
Cheryl Ann Thaxton, DNP (HPNA) – PAST CHAIR
Lasé Ajayi, MD (CAPC)
Jennifer Bartz (Family Advocate)
Jori Bogetz, MD (NPCRC)
Amanda Borchik, M.Div (APC)
Danielle Eaves, MPH, CCLS (ACLP)
Erin Flanagan, MD (NPHI)
Mary Ford, RN, NP (NAHC)
Sarah Friebert, MD (Emeritus Advisor)
Karen Geiger-Behm, M.Div (HCCN)
Alisha McGuire, LCSW (SWHPN)
Rebekah Halpern, PA-C (PAHPM)
Betsy Hawley, MA (State Coalitions)
Lisa Humphrey, MD (AAP)
Kristin James, LCPC (State Coalitions)
Tammy Kang, MD (AAHPM)
Rachel Kentor, Ph.D. (APA)
Jenni Linebarger, MD (AAP)
Alexis Morvant, MD (AAHPM)
Matt Norvell, M.Div (HCCN)
Jennifer Placencia, Pharm.D (SPPCP)
Sara Reynolds, M.Div (APC)
Maggie Rogers, MPH (ACS)
Jim Santucci, CPA (Family Advocate)
Tressia Shaw, MD (NAHC)
Dannell Shu, MWS (Family Advocate)
Amanda Thompson, Ph.D (APA)
Christy Torkildson, Ph.D (HPNA)
Emmalee Tresnan, CCLS (ACLP)
Conrad Williams, MD (PCQC)
Jillian Williams (Family Advocate)
Jessica Hausauer, Ph.D (NCHPC Executive Director)
Devon Dabbs (Project Director, NCHPC Pediatric Division)

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care, 4th edition
Create a blueprint for excellence by establishing a comprehensive foundation for gold-standard palliative care, including evidence-based processes and practices for providing safe and reliable high-quality care for all people living with serious illness, regardless of their diagnosis, prognosis, age or where they live or receive care.